Friday, March 14, 2008

Weekend Plans

Its been a mad hectic week for me in work so I've missed a few days of blogging. Which I'm trying not to do cos if I'm not consistent then I'll just stop, like so many other things I've let slide. Its something I don't like about myself & I'm trying to change. its hard to change your behaviours, they are just so ingrained & not budging without a fight. ;o)

Anyway the weather is supposed to be excellent for the weekend. Apparently its gale force winds & raining at home (Ireland) but sure no surprise there.
So plans for the weekend are, try not to kill my tomatoes & plant them in separate pots. We're going to the zoo on sat, I'm going to pack a picnic & bring it with us. Being vegetarian I never have many options at these places & always end up with chips -- boring. And they are usually very over-priced. I'm actually really looking forward to going, it brings out the child in me what can I say.

Then on Sunday, the photography course I'm doing is having the class in Centennial Park so going to that, really looking forward to being outside taking photos with the teach as up til now they've been conducted in the classroom. So it'll be good practice that he's there to ask stuff to about lighting, exposure & all that stuff I'm only learning about.

That's just for couple of hours in the morning & after that we're heading to Picton(South Sydney) as a friend of ours from Melbourne is competing in the 8 way skydiving Australian national competitions. So that should be fun, we'll watch the competition & maybe I'll do a jump. I haven't jumped since Oct so it'll be good to get back in the air again. I only have 75 jumps & really want to get my jump numbers up. This is one of the things I've let slide & really want to get back into cos it's so much fun!!! Falling at 120mph straight down. You can't get much freer than that.

Its not that I intentionally let things slide as I'm just pondering on the 'why'. Its more that life just gets in the way or something else happens & before I know it a month has past. Actually been saying that for the past year. The time is just flying by. I try to fit in as much as I can & enjoy it to the full but its a big world out there & still so much I'd like to do. I love travelling & seeing new places & people & experiencing their different cultures & traditions. It really is fascinating to me.

So in case I don't get a chance to post at the weekend, I hope you all have a great one & the thought for the weekend?

Get out there & do something you're afraid off......maybe try a skydive. :o)

Above all stay positive & keep smiling if nothing else it'll make people wonder what you're smiling at. LOL.


Anonymous said...

I don't think I'll try the sky diving, I won't even go on a plane. I actually get butterflies in my stomach if the hammock swings too fast. I hope you have fun at the zoo, and out at Picton, it is lovely out there.

Ciara said...

hi Tracey
Thx for stopping by. I've never been out as far as Picton before so its nice to know its lovely out there. I really want to visit more places in this amazing country while I'm here so thats something else for my 2008 'less talking more doing to do' list.
Hope you have a great weekend.

The Stricklands said...

Hi Ciara,
I am responding to the quilting comment you left on my blog How exciting that you want to learn to quilt! Do you live close to any quilt shops that teach beginner classes? Our local community college also offers beginning quilting courses.

I knew how to sew and taught myself a little, but I learned so much from the 2 or 3 classes that I took. There are some very easy patterns available now - one is called Yellow Brick Road. What is so fun about quilting is that you get to be creative and precise at the same time.

Best wishes on your quilting adventure. Thanks for stopping by my blog. :0)

♥ N o v a said...

I think that's great that you've taken up a photography class. I've dabbled in minor little photography projects, but haven't actually taken a class since high school. Let's see some of your work!

As for skydiving, I love it! I'm actually a skydiver... well, I was anyway. It's been a while, but there sure is nothing in the world that can compare to the feeling of free-falling! You have never felt more alive!

Ciara said...

Hi mary
Thanks for that, there is only a wool/craft shop near me that I know about so I'll try there.
I'll look out for that pattern.

Hi Nova-san
Yeah I love the photgraphy class, capturing moments is something I love to do so thought it was high time I learned how to do it properly. Will get a few pics up soon.
Thats so cool you were/are a skydiver, where did you jump? I jumped at the ranch when we were in NY, it was great. Can't be the free-fall alright.