Monday, March 3, 2008


I haven't really thought this through completely but I'll try to explain my basic comcept for this blog. Ok bit of history but bear with me. I'm not the sort of person who trusts people easily & find it hard to really feel comfortable confiding in people about my true feelings. However I have a few very close friends but one in particular who really was my rock. We were very close, I could talk to him about anything. Apart from my husband he was the only person I felt I could truly confid in. Of course when I needed to vent about my husband for whatever reason he was there. We were best friends for nearly 10 years & shared SO much in that time.
Anyway, there came a time when he had a relationship that was getting serious, not his first obviously but the first really serious one & even though I was married she felt extremely threatened by our friendship. She was a bit younger than us & I think very insecure. So the long & the short of it was the ultimatum came from her, a 'her or me' typy of thing & although he tried to reason with her & comfort her & what have you he -much to my hurt - gave in & ended our friendship.
This really was a huge shock to me & to say it hurt was really an understatement. I felt very betrayed. But before you go thinking I'm setting up a get back at the witch type blog I'm not. I came to realise that I had no one I felt comfortable talking to, really talking to, not just the everyday stuff but the really hard personal feelings type talking. I wondered if others had the same feeling, didn't want to talk to those close to them for fear of being judged or ridiculed or for whatever reason. I thought maybe I could help. Maybe I could offer others the ear/email/friend they needed in times when it all seemed hopeless. Let me say I don't have any professional qualifications but just help. I really believe that talking about your problems really helps make them clearer or talking about your dreams helps them feel real.

So when I recently came upon another blog I was inspired by & I found how easy it was to set up I thought this may be the first step on the road to helping people. This life is so short & we really our just one big community & I would so love for more people to come together in friendship & harmony.

So i'll continue & write my thoughts & if you need a friend or need an ear or just simply a chat cos you're feeling a bit lonely please feel free to leave a comment or your email address & I'll get back to you. I welcome all comments about improving this blog or any thoughts really.

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