Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Soda Bread

I think I'm hooked, blogging is so much fun & reading others peoples blogs is so fascinating, you learn so much about people all over the world. I mean how cool is that. In a world today that people seem afraid to get to know each other, I mean really know each other its so refreshing to see so many blogs out there & to learn from others & to chat/comment if you choose, no pressure.

Today has been a really hectic day so I haven't much time to write my thoughts but they're all in there bursting to get out. I picked up a recipe for soda bread today that I think I'm going to have a go at making. Its something I've always loved & i used to watch my Aunt making when I was small & she wouldn't measure anything just throw in a bit of this & a bit of that & bob's your uncle - soda bread. I could never figure out how she did it & it was always gorgeous every time. I asked a few times for a recipe but she didn't know it, she just always made it but sight. I think that's excellent & its so sad that its a dying art.

Anyway must dash hope you have a great Wednesday wherever you are in the world & keep smiling.


♥ N o v a said...

Well, it seems that you are quite new to the blogging world... so Welcome!

Writing down my thoughts and reading other people's comments have really saved my sanity on many occasions. Hopefully you can also develop that kind of friendship here as well. It's really a remarkable thing, the blogging community.

Hope to read more of you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I hope the soda bread works out for you. I know bread making isn't easy but worth the time and practice. Congratulations on the tomatoes too.

Ciara said...

Hi Nova-san, yes only been blogging a few weeks was introduced to it by my sister sending me a link for the down to earth blog. Loving it so far, it really feels therapeutic nearly to write down your thoughts & feelings.
Hope to read more of you too will stop by your blog soon.
Thx for visiting. :o)

Ciara said...

Hi Tracey
Thx for stopping by. No worries, loved your blog, will drop back in.
Will let you know how my soda bread efforts go. :o)

Dem Soldier said...

Join choir..welcome...

Aurora Blue said...

What a lovely bread -- soda bread. I too want to give that recipe a try, though I've never made "good" bread before. I have in the past but they didn't amount to anything much, and, I don't have much time for the mixing, the kneading, and the baking that goes along with bread making. Good luck with finding a recipe that works for you. If it isn't too late, perhaps you may want to ask your aunt or a relative to show you how they make soda bread. And perhaps you could be their food journalist, the keeper of your family's recipes. That sounds like something fun. I'm a bit of a writer myself, though I'm more of a novice than an expert in this craft.

Ciara said...

Hi Nary
What a good idea - a family recipes book I think I may look into that.