Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Being Found

I've just been reading Rhonda Jeans' blog & as I've only discovered it recently & she's been blogging for about a year I decided to start at her beginning & she said something amazing in one of her comments. Might I add - amazing to me as when I look at all her comments today I wonder how she could have thought that. She said something along the lines of ' I was wondering if I'd be found in a blog' & I thought wow she felt the same way as I'm feeling now.
Its all well & good wanting to help people & be there for people but if you have no people then its a bit redundant isn't it? Irony! it keeps the world amusing.
So feeling somewhat reassured that I'll be found if I'm meant to be I'll continue on my thoughts for the day.
Living simply to simply live.
I struggled for a long time to find who I am in this world, where is my spot. I suppose the age old, why are we here question? Its a big one isn't it?
Ever since I've been quite young I've had since feeling/sensation/emothion (not really sure) of searching for something. Ok so the pondery is how can I find something when I don't know what I'm searching for?
Who Am I? Where am I going? who will I be when I get there?
Also the big one for me - at the time- was how do people know the real me? Is it by my actions? but haven't we all done things that were less than honourable & thought well that isn't really me? Is it by my emotions, my thoughts, my words? how do I know what really is me? Who AM I?

And while its still an ongoing journey I think I'm starting to find a path through this muddy track of life, my own little space of peace in this world of turmoil. I hope to be able to share my experiences & trials & tribulations with you so you can maybe learn, be inspired ....who knows. The world really is such a beautiful place but we get caught up in the material that we forget to look around & be grateful for what we have & who we are. Thats why I want to help people to unload some of their emotional burdens & see what an amazing creation the human being really is & how special each of us are.

So think of even one thing today you are grateful for or if you're lucky write a list. Leave it somewhere you can see it often today & smile. You're blessed today.


Ciara said...

Oh I meant to leave the link here too to Rhonda Jeans blog if you have a chance go check it out.

Ciara said...

Also chcking out how this whole blogging thing works so bear with me as i'm learning.