Friday, March 7, 2008

Getting Better

Ok so I was reading over my last post & usually this is where I would reach for the bar of chocolate or go out & buy myself something nice to cheer myself up. That make me think. As I was sitting thinking how can I cheer myself up, it made me realise how often I depend on outside therepy like shopping or chocolate to put the world back on its right axis but is that really the solution?

It hasn't made me totally happy so far & I think its the whole 'fix-it-quick' era we live in. We depend on convenience in every aspect of our lives. The whole bandaid approach as opposed to really solving the problem. I could have a bar of chocolate & it probably would make me feel a bit better in the short term but is that what I want? I'm beginning to realise no its not. It makes me sad that so many people use quick fixes, myself included but like I said I'm realising there is more to life, more to happiness. Its a small beginning, these realisations but its a beginning. Like all the major changes that happen they often start small.

So today instead of feeling blue & getting caught up in that I'm going to go out & do something nice for someone. Be it something small like a smile or whatever. I'm going to try. It feels good to learn something about yourself & to feel like you're making a chance for the better no matter how small. I think someone famous said 'Rome wasn't built in a day'.

So going forward 'help others to help yourself'. Not a bad motto for a rainy Friday :o)

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