Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Well I'm not sure if no news is good news or not? :o) S rang his Dad last night to see how things went. His Mum had texted that he wasn't having the op on Monday, it was re-scheduled for 19th Sept but we didn't know why? So anyway he rang last night & it turns out that the surgeon was having a really long operation the next day(Tue) & needed to rest as this other operation was a priority. The doc said his wasn't so bad that it couldn't wait 2 weeks so in a round about way I suppose that's kindda good news. The scan result came back also & everywhere is all clear so that's really good. His eye is the only site of cancer. So while still not out of the woods its the best of bad news if you know what I mean. So just have to wait now til 19th & pray. S seemed a bit more relieved so that was good too.
Its been making me think a lot about my Dad, this whole situation. I miss him. He died when I was nineteen, wow can't believe it's been eleven years already. It doesn't feel it. He had skin cancer. It was so hard, so horrible watching someone you love wasting away from the inside. Still upsets me sometimes when I think about that time. This whole thing with S's Dad I suppose brought it all back. I miss him. Don't get me wrong I'd gotten past the stage of thinking he was perfect I'm well aware he wasn't but he was still my Dad & I always knew he would be there for me if I ever needed him. And then he was gone & he took that security blanket with him & I felt very lost for a long time. It devastated me. But like anything in life what can you do but just keep going, find your way. You learn to cope, learn to live, it never goes away but it gets a bit better with time. Am I brilliant, am i perfect? no. I'm just me, no better no worse than anyone else. Everyone has a story. Today, right now, mine feels sad. But thats ok, later on or maybe tomorrow, it'll be better and life goes on.
I think what upsets me most is the thought that S might have to go through it too. That's whats hard. You want to protect the people you love. I really really hope he doesn't. I pray that everything will be ok with his Dad. Keep him in your prayers.


Letera said...

OH honey, I am so sorry about you losing your dad when you were so young. That sucks. Its just not fair. I dont exactly remember but because I was 4 and my dad was 24 but his dad died when he was 24 and then his mom died when he was 36. Its to young to lose parents.
But again I am so sorry and I will say a prayer for S's dad and for you to!

Ciara said...

Hey there

Awh thanks for that, I appreciate it a lot. You're a good person. Yeah it is hard. My Mum died when I was 8 so losing Dad too was hard.
Thx again so much