Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A few musings

Don't really know whats wrong with me today I'm so tired. It was quite warm last night so maybe I didn't sleep all that well? Its so hard to concentrate when I'm so tired & this being the month end time I really need to be on the ball. D'oh. All I can think of is crawling into my lovely bed & sleeping. I don't normally drink coffee I'm more a tea girl but i think it might be called for today to get me moving.
I had been hoping to get to my 100th post within a year of starting to blog but even if I write every day for the next month which I don't think I will I don't think I'd get it. Oh well. I'll try anyway see how I go. It may loosen the creative parts in me that haven't been oiled in awhile.

Went for a walk after work it was so nice to be out in fresh air, I'm going to try do that every evening if its fine. Its good to clear the cobwebs :oD.

I just started a James Patterson book, its called 'Sundays at Tiffany's'. I'm a fan of his Alex Cross series but this one is a romance so I'm not sure what to expect but thought I'd give it a read. I'll let you know.
I've been reading alot lately I go through phases of reading loads then nothing for ages. I've always loved reading. It a kind of an escape for me. My favourite author is Nora Roberts, I've read tons of her books. Another favourite is Kathy Reichs. I find it amazing that a book can transport you to other worlds, invoke emotions, I've cried at so many books, if you haven't read P.S I love I'd totally recommend it. I quite like a good few Irish authors too, Marian Keyes is hilarious. I read a lot of fiction but travel book interest me alot too, photography, biographies huumm what else do I like to read? Bits of everything really. My sister bought me a book for my birthday, its poems, short stories & essays so not sure what that'll be like. I've always wanted to be interested in poetry but haven't quite gotten there yet.

I've found myself searching for something recently. I don't' know what that's the frustrating part. I'd love to have a calling in life, you know like doctors & writers & that. These people know exactly what they want & are passionate about it. I'm good at alot of things but I'm not really passionate about anything. I'm a good started but not really that great at consistency. I wish I was. any ideas on how to do that I'd love to hear them.
Well guess that's a few thought of mine today, hope you all have a great day.
"Live well, be humble & strive for happiness"

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