Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Case of the Blahs

Don't know whats wrong with me today, having a case of the 'blaaaaahhhs'. I was going grand up until lunchtime then sort of slumped. Can't seem to find any energy to do anymore work. I'm supposed to be going to meditation tonight & I don't think I'll manage that. I just want to go home to bed. I hate when I get like this, it frustrates me cos I want to be doing things but nothing happens. It kindda makes me disappointed in myself that i let precious time slip by by feeling crappy. I've been told before to give myself a break that everyone gets like this but i find that hard to do. Sad but true.

I had Monday off, so I've only done two days work so far but I feel like I normally do on a friday, totally zonked. Its crap knowing i still have two more days to go until a lie in. oh well.
Makes me think of motivation, how do you motivate yourself? I'm learning about myself all the time but this is something i struggle with. How do i motivate myself when i really don't want to do something even when i know it''ll do my good. Its kinda like having a parent/child conversation in my head. You know the one - parent 'you should do such and such it'll be good for you', child' i don't want to', parent ' why?' child ' i don't know i just don't'. But all going on inside. It's the easiest way to try describe how I'm feeling right now. strange but again true. :o/
Blaah blaah blaah. Seems like such a waste of a day. All I want to do is crawl into bed & sleep. Maybe i need some vitamins or something. Hope you're having a better day & hopefully i'll have a better one tomorrow.


Letera said...

I was that way yesterday. I was absolutely exhausted. Did nothing even though I had plans to do stuff, just couldnt so I cooked dinner and laid on the couch. Today is a good day. I got off early, still havent done what I have planned on but I am off tomorrow so I am thinking a nice nap and then get it in gear!

Ciara said...

Hey there
Thx for that, I'l doing bit betetr today. Maybe its the weather, changing seasons or something :o) I don't know, I've had a lot going on the last few weeks so think i just need break, hummm maybe a holiday is called for .