Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Its been awhile since I've had a chance to blog & I was tagged by Debbie & Susan so apologies for the delay but finally getting a chance to do it.
And so for some facts about me.

1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post, the player tags 5 people and posts their name, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

What I was doing 10 years ago:
I was still in college doing my year away in France as part of my college course. Although I did enjoy it for the most part, my father had died the year before so still was getting over that.

Five Snacks I enjoy:In a perfect, non weight-gaining world
1. Chipper chips with garlic mayo – yum!!
2. Choc choc chip Hagen Daas Ice Cream
3. Chocolate – anything except dark chocolate
4. Super Nachos with guacamole, cheese, salsa & sour cream
5. French baguette & Camembert

In the real world
1. Cream crackers
2. bananas
3. Diet choc bars (or weight watchers)
4. popcorn
5. dried fruit & nut mix

Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Build my house at home that we have planning permission for.
2. Buy my brother & sisters their own houses
3. Travel
4. Give to charity
5. travel more

Five jobs that I have had:
1. Assistant accountant
2. Worked in a bank
3. Restaurant Assistant Mgr
4. Waitress
5. Worked in petrol station

Three of my habits:
1. Can’t put a good book down until I’m finished even if I end up reading all night.
2. I hog the TV remote control
3. I say ‘like’ a lot, I dunno think its an Irish thing.

Five place I have lived:
1. Sydney, Australia
2. Zephrhills, Florida
3. Rathgar, Dublin
4. St Omer, France
5. Killiney, Dublin

Five People I Want to Get to Know Better: (a nice way of saying TAG!) But don't feel obligated! Just do it if you want to.
1. Lindsay
2. Tracy
3. Letera
4. Melissa
5. Sadge

So ok I know it was only a short one but I'll write more soon.

Hope you're all having a great day & if not hope it gets better for you. :o)


The Green Curmudgeon said...

Oooh, thanks for the tag! I'll put it on my blog today - I remember doing emails like this years ago!

The Green Curmudgeon said...

just to say, you have lived in some amazing places - I'm so jealous, I've never lived outside rainy old UK!

dkuroiwa said...

Seriously...there is almost nothing better than some Super nachos!!! (with a cold beer, of course!!!)
You have lived in some exotic sounding places!!!
When I first saw "lindsay williams" on the comments, I was like "what"?
Susan's maiden name was Williams, and her daughter's name is Lindsey!! How cool!!!
Thanks for doing that!!!

Letera said...

Wow that was cool reading about you. You have lived in a some cool places. Does have 2 new pairs of glasses that are made in Paris, France and Denmark. No I didnt think so. I love knowing that you are in Australia. You are tagged also for a meme that my friend sent to me. I am new at this stuff though.

Sadge said...

Hi Ciara,
Give me a day or two, and I'll get my answers and taggees posted. Those are some amazing places you've lived - I'm jealous.

Ciara said...

Lindsay - hey there, yeah i remember getting them in school too. Brought back memories. :o). Awh thanks yeah I always wanted to travels seems more exotic to read. LOL.

Debbie - TOTALLY agree I'd eat them til I was sick if I let myself. YUM drooling even thinking about it. wahts can i say no self control! ha ha. Thats so cool bou the same name I've yet to meet anyone with my name but I'm sure it'll happen someday.

Letera - hey there cool i'll try get to the tag soon. Yeah Australia is great, loving it here so far.

Sadge - Thx for that, yeah its been a variety, cool if you get a chance to do the tag if not no worries I know life gets busy.

Thx ladies
Chat soon