Thursday, April 10, 2008

Feeling good

You know normally I turn on the computer & read others blogs first & then sortta run out of time for my own so today I've decided to write first, read later. Lol.
Its funny every time I look at the title Nina Simone song pops into my head & I start humming. Singing is great isn't it? it makes you feel happy. Although if I burst into song here I may be asked ever so politely to quiet down while they get the men in white coats for me, hehehe. That may just be worth it.

Anyway I'm feeling good cos the award I got yesterday actually made me feel pretty good but it was the passing it on to others & their responses that really cheered me up out of my doldrums. Another thing that made me feel good was yesterday morning while I was getting my ticket for the train the guy in front of me was short 20 cent for his ticket, he was at the change only machine so he had to go & queue again at the notes machine. I got my ticket & I had 40 cent change & I was passing him at the end of the queue & asked him how much he was short & I gave him the 20c & said hope you have a good day. Now that's something totally small but I actually really felt great. It just goes to show you doing something nice for others is its own reward.
Now I know this but I realised its been awhile since I've put that into practice, so now that I have a bit more motivation for life I'm going to try to do more for others & that'll help me.
I firmly believe the soul & the spirit need nourishment just as much as the body & I've been sadly lacking in that recently.

Ok so here's a challenge for you today. To do one totally random act of kindness for someone, it doesn't matter if you know them or not. Try it, it may surprise you.
Other than that I hope you all have a totally brilliant day.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the award cheered you up s little. It does feel good doing things for others without expecting anything in return. I hope you have a great day.

Ciara said...

Hi Tracy
Thx for stopping by, yes I have to say it really did help me.
Hope you have a good day too, roll on the weekend. :o)